A Snafuzled Life

Definition of My Life

 What do you say in one word when your world gets turned upside down and the only phrase that comes to mind to describe the situation is f—-d up?

I say snafuzled.

I’m Donna. I was born into a military family and spent the first 16 years of my life living in various parts of the world, on a series of military bases. Snafu was a term that I heard often while growing up.


Or the more PG version:

Personally, I like the original military saying!  It resonates more with me and clearly represents the intense feelings around the situation.  I decided it was time to take the acronym and make it my own.  I made it an adjective, verb and noun: SNAFUZLE (the “zle” is me jazzing it up… yes, I am old.)

SNAFUZLE is going to be a lot of things. Over time, it will take on different forms. What it is now, will not be what it ultimately becomes.

Today, it is a beginning point. This is where I start to figure out who I am and what I want to become.

This is my journey as I work, grow and live through my snafuzled life